post cold war period

英 美
  • 后冷战时期
  • cold adj.冷的;寒冷的;冷酷的;冷淡的;冷静的n.寒冷;感冒;伤风adv.完全地;彻底地
  • period n.一段时间;周期;时期;课时;学时;句号;月经
  • post n.职位;邮件;标竿v.邮递;通知;布置;派遣;急行adv.快速地
  • war n.战争;斗争v.作战;斗争
    1. In the wake of the Cold War, and without the rivalry of the Soviet Union, the United States trends to adapt unilateralist approaches in world politics.
    2. This Although the world has entered a post-Cold War era, but the re-division of spheres of influence in the struggle still continue.